Interview with Salena Briana, Special Education Student
The following interview was conducted by student Salena
Briana, as part of a class assignment for her undergraduate studies in special
education at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
My name is James Williams. I am an
adult with autism and I travel all around the country to teach awareness about
autism. I have also written three children’s books on autism, OUT TO GET JACK,
University of Wisconsin-Waisman Center’s Community of
Practice on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities,
headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin.
I graduated from Glenbrook North High
School in 2010, and went to high school with Salena
when she was a freshman and sophomore.
are some things that define you?
I am a very passionate and idealistic
person. I have very strong beliefs that I stand up for, and shape my work and
advocacy. At the same time, I am also a person that tries to tolerate different
beliefs and ideals that others might have. Rather than quickly denouncing other
beliefs, I try to find the “brilliance in everything.”
Like the famous autistic Temple Grandin, dating and relationships do not interest me. I
identify as “asexual,” but in reality, lack of interest in dating and
relationships is common alongside people with autism, regardless of their
orientation. This seemingly small fact about my personality has extensively
shaped my life, from my high school career to now. It has defined my social
life, my preferences, and a large part of my image as a person, since sadly, a
large part of socializing as a young adult is based on assumptions that you’re
interested in dating and romantic relationships.
I believe that a person’s beliefs and
mindset are the product of how they cope with and
respond to their life experiences and the environment in which they live in. I
don’t believe in a “nature vs. nurture” dichotomy. I believe our nature
determines how we cope with and respond to how we are nurtured, and that both
“nature and nurture” determine a person’s personality.
does having autism fit into that/those things?
When you have autism, you are not
separate from it. You live with it 24 hours a day, 7 days and week, and it shapes
every part of your life, from starting school as a child to employment in
As mentioned above, I believe that a
person’s beliefs and mindset are a product of their
responses to their life experiences and environment. Since people with autism
respond to their life experiences and environment differently than their
non-autistic counterparts, my autism shapes the way I see the world, my beliefs
and mindsets, and the way I define myself.
was elementary school for you?
Unlike most children, I did not attend
schooling for all of my education. I spent my education “in and out” of the
public school. I was homeschooled for part of my education—parts of elementary
and high school, and all of middle school.
Elementary school was both positive and
negative, depending on the teacher that I had. Since my elementary school did
not have very good special education services for children with autism, it was
up to each individual teacher, when a student with autism joined their class, to
adapt their teaching methods to that student and informally accommodate the
student. I had good teachers in kindergarten and 4th grade, and teachers that
didn’t understand me in 2nd and 5th. I skipped 1st grade and was homeschooled
for part of the 2nd grade (since the teacher didn’t understand me at all) and all of the 3rd grade.
Another struggle I had in elementary
school was coping with fire drills. The sound of the fire alarm is very painful
for many people with autism. My hearing is more sensitive than others, so when
I hear a fire alarm, I feel as if I have been electrocuted. Complicating
matters was that the principal promised she would notify me prior to a fire
drill in the 5th grade. She did once, and then broke her promise for the rest
of the year. Today, I believe that all students with autism should be notified
prior to fire drills to the best of a school’s ability.
After a harsh experience in the 5th
grade, my mother was fed up with my school’s failure to properly implement
services to meet my needs, and to properly respond to the bullying I was
enduring. Therefore, she decided to homeschool me
during the junior high years. I never attended junior high school—rather, I
spent all of junior high as a homeschooled student.
What also complicated matters was that
shortly after the 5th grade, I got very ill. I suffered a collapse of my
digestive system and immune system, and was sick for much of the 6th grade.
After recovering from my chronic illness towards the end of my 6th grade year,
I remained homeschooled until high school.
Homeschooling during the junior high
years was very enjoyable. Not having to cope with bullying and the trauma of
fire drills, I excelled as a student. My mother created a curriculum for my
education that combined textbooks purchased from the junior high school and
some of her own textbooks. We operated on a “work until you are done” basis—she
gave me assignments to do in the morning. When my assignments for the day were
completed, I was done for the day—whether that lasted for four hours or ten
I completed my high school education in
two stages. First, three years of part-time high school, supplemented with
homeschooling. Second, full time high school for three years,
which eventually led to my graduation.
My part time high school years
consisted of taking a few classes of interest at my high school, with my core
classes as a homeschooled student. These classes consisted of Latin,
introduction to business, and a series of child development classes. Latin
class was not successful academically, but the introduction to business class
and the child development classes were. The struggles in Latin class were not
the product of a bad teacher, rather, they were
because my autism makes it difficult for me to learn foreign languages. I was
forced to accept this limitation after struggling in one semester of Latin and
subsequently dropping out of the class.
It is important to remember than when
you are autism, it’s very common to function at a different level socially
versus academically. You can be gifted but have social struggles. This was the
case with my child development classes. I performed well in them academically,
but struggled socially, and broke some social boundaries with some of my
teachers. These social struggles resulted in getting into trouble right before
the end of three semesters of child development. In the end, I was asked to
leave the child development program, but a silver lining emerged—the battle to
find proper services for me, which was why I was homeschooled and a part time
student in the first place, had come to an end. The school knew what to do with
me, and I returned to full time high school the next year.
When I returned to high school full
time, I was 19 years old. After taking part-time classes from age 15 to 18, I
went back to full time school. It was the first time I had been back to full
time school since was 11, in the fifth grade. Academically, I did well, but I
pursued a different strategy than most students. Rather than try my best to
overcome my weaknesses, I decided to play to my strengths. I was good at
writing papers and completing homework assignments, but tested poorly, with the
exception on math tests.
Socially, high school was very unique
for me. Not having an interest in dating or relationships made it very hard for
me to fit in with the other guys, but resulted in me getting along quite well
with girls. As a result, I had mostly female friends, and my best friends were
always female. Some of my friends made me “one of the girls,” and would let me
join their groups, where we spoke about “girl stuff” freely. And to the shock
of so many of my high school peers, my female friends and I never dated—the
idea disgusted us. Having mostly female friends didn’t bother me, but it did
bother many of my teachers who thought it was inappropriate and wrong at times.
Despite that, I enjoyed having mostly female friends, and I still have mostly
female friends to this day. It just works better for me.
Fire drills were still difficult for
me, but unlike elementary school, I found my own way of coping with them. In
high school, they were scheduled, and there was a “master list” of when the
fire drills were scheduled in a secret location. I found the location, and
memorized the schedule. I would also tell my friends and other students I knew
struggled with fire drills as well when I gathered the knowledge of when the
next fire drill was scheduled. I did this so successfully, not a single teacher
or administrator ever caught me doing it.
In the end, I ultimately was successful
and graduated, at the age of 21, in three years.
did some of your worst teachers do to make it hard to learn?
My worst teachers struggled to
understand my autism and the accommodations that were necessary for me to
succeed in school. They did not understand my social challenges and would try
to overemphasize friendships that they deemed “appropriate,” even though they
were very difficult for me to maintain, and sometimes dangerous.
They also would refuse to accommodate
my need to work by myself rather than with groups or partners, if necessary.
They also struggled to understand certain things that my autism made it
difficult for me to do in class, such as take tests or take notes in class.
Most importantly, they tried to force
social interactions on me with the other students. I personally believe
teachers should not facilitate
What did some of your best teachers do
to make learning easy and successful for you?
Teachers I have worked well with had a
willingness to adapt their curriculum to my educational needs, and a
willingness to allow me to sit by myself, and work by myself in the classroom
as much as they possibly can. They also acknowledged that I would not do
everything well—rather, I would use my strengths to
counterbalance my deficits. I tested poorly but did well on homework
assignments, question sheets, and papers.
Group projects and partner assignments
were very difficult for me, and if the teacher allowed me to complete
assignments alone, that meant a lot to me. I believe that a teacher’s job is to
educate their students, not to force friendships or social interactions between
Although fire drills and other drills
were difficult for me to manage in school, fire drills are planned by school principals
and administrators, not teachers. Therefore, I never blamed any teacher for the
struggles I coped with during fire drills.
What discrimination have you faced with having
I have faced extensive discrimination
having autism. First of all, despite being an adult, it’s very common for
people to “talk down” to me as if I was younger than my age. Sometimes this
works to my advantage since, despite being an adult, there are many
characteristics I share that are younger than my age. It can be frustrating,
however, when people still “baby” me and parents try to “parent” me, even when
I often am out independently in society.
Second, as a male with
autism, I have to deal with the extensive discrimination that autistic males
face in society. Men with autism are often stereotypes as budding perverts and
criminals, and are often targeted by law enforcement. Men with autism have to
worry about being thought of as predators when they act kindly towards children
and adolescents, even though they don’t mean them any harm. Men with autism
have to worry about women assuming they are making passes on them or trying to
date them even when they just want to be friends.
Third, since men are
stereotyped as being hypersexual, and having strong sexual interests, it is
very difficult for me, as an adult male, to live in a world that stereotypes me
and has a created a social code of rules based on the assumption that I am
straight and obsessed with relationships. Like famous individual with autism
Temple Grandin, I’ve never been interested in dating
or romance, and have identified as “asexual” and “aromantic”
since I was 18 and learned about those terms. It can be frustrating and to be
judged and stereotyped based on feelings I’ve never felt before.
Finally, I routinely am
stopped by police officers due to this judgment and prejudice, even though I
fortunately have never been arrested due to my ability to help officers
understand that I have not committed a crime when stopped (not a single time,
when stopped by an officer, was I ever committing a crime).
What are some personal challenges you face with
having autism?
Having autism makes it
difficult at times to have proper social skills. Although I’ve had extensive
social skills instruction, and have learned many social skills in my life, many
social rules do not come naturally to me like non-autistic people. The reason
for this, in my opinion, is because of different emotional responses—many
behaviors people call “inappropriate” do not make me uncomfortable. Thus, I do
not instinctively “know” a social rule the way others might. This lack of
knowledge has sometimes cost my friendships when I have behaved inappropriately
at times with them.
This results in extensive
social anxiety, since I often find myself unsure of whether or not I am
behaving appropriately, or if a certain behavior is acceptable or unacceptable
in a certain setting. Very few social behaviors are universally appropriate but
mean different things in different social contexts, which makes
it difficult for many people with autism who have a hard time understanding
those contextual differences. My anxiety is the byproduct of being socially
burned and making social mistakes with little or no understanding of what I did
wrong, and losing friends seemingly “out of the blue” when in fact, the
friendship ended because of a social mistake I made, even if I didn’t know it
was a mistake.
I also have other struggles.
I have depth perception issues, which result in an inability to drive a car,
and periodically results in me bumping into people when I am out in public. In
addition, I have motor coordination and muscle issues with prohibits me from
some forms of heavy lifting. Finally, I can be absentminded at times and am constantly
losing my things. It takes a lot of cognitive energy to keep track of my things
at times.
What are some strengths you
have that you can give some attribution to your autism for?
I try to be loyal to my
friends. My lack of interest in dating or relationships is a
strength with my friends of different genders, since they can feel safe
around me and know that I am not going to try to hurt or take advantage of
I also have very good
eyesight and hearing. I can read things from afar, and my sensitive hearing
makes me able to hear well. This can be a weakness sometimes, but also can be a strength.
Finally, my autism makes me
able to memorize many facts of data, even if they may not be practical data.
I’m constantly memorizing trivia and other “little known facts,” and use that
knowledge to impress people when appropriate.
What would be one piece of
advice you'd want to tell a teacher to do when working with some one who has
Be adaptable to the needs of
the student, and judge your educational success on what’s working best for the
student with autism—not how well you are implementing a specific method of
educating a student. Don’t keep using an educational method if it isn’t working
for the student. The proof is in the pudding, as the old saying goes, and in
this case, the proof of effective education lies in your student being able to
perform their best in the classroom.
If something isn’t working
or your student isn’t doing well, this doesn’t mean your method is flawed—it just
means it doesn’t work well for the student with autism.
Kids with autism learn
differently and don’t always function well with traditional teaching methods.
The “tried and true” teaching methods you may have learned while getting a
teaching certificate may not work for your student.
Is there any intervention techniques that you think
work best for teaching social skills, like, peer-mediated, behavioral, TEACCH,
video modeling, developmental/relationship-based?
Yes. Although all of the
approaches mentioned above have helped many students learn proper social skills
and I do not dislike any of them, I am the biggest fan of two social skills
teaching methods--the “social thinking” curriculum and the “integrated play
groups” model.
The “social thinking”
curriculum, created by Michelle Garcia Winner, is a method of teaching social
skills that fills the gap found in other methods of teaching social skills.
Other methods of teaching social skills taught social skills as a set of rules,
without any understanding of how to properly implement them, and the nuances
and differences social rules often have. The “social thinking” curriculum
focuses not only on teaching social skills but teaching the ability to
“socially think,” in other words, having the ability to adapt one’s social
skills to one’s environment and one’s context, and to understand how to
properly behave in social settings.
The “integrated play groups”
method, created by Pamela Wolfberg, is a method of
teaching social skills through facilitated play. This therapy is based on the
idea that children naturally learn social skills through play, and children
with autism often do not get the same opportunities to play because of their
social deficits. This deficit tries to facilitate, through “play groups,”
opportunities for children with autism to play with other children and acquire
those same opportunities to learn social skills through play. The play groups
consist of children with and without autism, and are facilitated by a “play
guide,” an adult who is trained to start play in the group but to eventually
let the children play on their own. In the groups, the children play with one
another in activities designed to teach the child social skills.
Finally, I believe what
Peter Gerhardt, an educational consultant, put well: “You can only truly teach
proper social skills inside their context. If I want a child to learn how to
behave at Burger King, I have to take them to a Burger King to teach the skills
needed to function at a Burger King.
What is the best way a teacher can prepare a student
with autism for the outside world and/or college?
Let the student know that
ultimately, the endpoint of any plan after high school should be a path leading
to a chosen career goal or job. College shouldn’t just be for the college
experience, it should be a means to a career that requires a college degree.
And ultimately, the outside world has social rules and requirements that are
needed to be understood to be successful, regardless of whatever degree you
have. If you don’t have the proper social skills to function in the job you are
in, having a degree in that job won’t mean a thing. Teachers need to be more
aware of this reality that adults with autism face in the outside world.
In addition, if a student’s
career path does not require a four-year college, then a student should not be
pressured to attend college. However, if a student does want to attend college,
then that should be taken into consideration as well. And teachers should
remember that a non-college bound student is not necessarily a lazy student.
Just because a student doesn’t plan to attend college doesn’t mean they aren’t
hard working or dumb. They’ve just chosen to work hard in a different way
outside of school.
Do you think having autism affects the way you taste
things? Do you have any specific foods that you really cannot eat and is it
because of taste or texture?
Yes. Many people with autism
often find that they dislike certain foods based on how they taste and their
texture, and are frequently picky eaters. I have friends with autism who have
to prepare their French fries a certain why because of their dislike of the
texture of those fries, often skinning them so that the sharp edges have been
I used to have many more of
these issues growing up, but they have mostly resolved themselves in adulthood.
As a child, I disliked tomato chunks in pasta sauce because of their texture,
and melted American cheese because of their taste. This is no longer the case
now. But one dislike from childhood has survived--I dislike raw onions because
of their taste to this day.
So there you have it—my